ACOG Sight 1×32 | Red Fiber Optic | Dark Earth | RAM Optics®


ACOG Sight 4×32 | Red Fiber Optic | Dark Earth | RAM Optics® The (1×32) ACOG sight is equipped with a titrium phosphor wire on top of the scope. This illuminates the reticle with a red dot based on the amount of light coming in through the wire. This means you will never need batteries to use the red dot in the rifle scope. This well-known model is based on models that are used in the military.

SKU: RT665 Category:


ACOG Sight 1×32 | Red Fiber Optic | Dark Earth | RAM Optics® This ACOG is equipped with a tritium phosphor wire that collects light and converts it to a red dot in the center of your viewer. The red dot changes intensity based on how much light is available. A big advantage when you quickly switch between dark and lit rooms, the red dot colors with it. You can also use this rifle scope as a red dot without magnification by looking with both eyes open (Bindon Aiming Concept) so that you can see both the red dot and the environment and are not limited by a reduced field of view when you look through the rifle scope. Fitted with 22mm Weaver mounting base for easy tool-less mounting.

ACOG Sight 1×32 | Red Fiber Optic | Dark Earth | RAM Optics®


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